Saturday 6 October 2012

English Teacher vs. Teacher

When I came to South Korea, like so many other native English speakers (the last count I read was 20,000+), my intent was to teach English to children.

And that is, in effect, what I do 5 days a week.

But then there is the "other" category that I teach, and that gets kind of complicated at times.

I am in the classroom to teach English, yes, but if a 3rd grader has his finger stuck up his nose, what am I to do?

"Min-seok, do you need a tissue?" usually does the trick.

Or if "Sally" comes to show me a paper cut on her finger (clearly wanting some TLC), I send her to the front desk to get a bandage.

Students running in the hallway, kids spilling snacks on the floor, doors banging, lost textbooks . . . the list goes on and on.

I'm not married, but I do have 80+ children to supervise, scold, love, and, of course, to teach them English.

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